Saturday, 4 July 2009

Implicit simplicity

It's been a rather dry few days, weather wise and also when it comes to things to blog about. There have been a number of small incidents which have occurred since the last time I wrote in this blog, but we'll come to that later.

It was a dry, calm and peaceful night on the park and nobody was making any noise, so I decided to stretch my legs a little and took a walk down towards the main road, a short distance away from the main entrance. Whilst I was at the main road, I heard a vehicle approaching, so I walked slowly back to the gates. I hadn't managed more than a few feet before the car was by my side.

"Can we get in?" enquired the passenger.
"Sorry, you're about an hour late." said I.
"Oh. So where do we park then?"
I looked at the several neatly parked cars at the main entrance, as they too had come back late and couldn't get back in, then I turned my head back towards the vehicle. I said nothing, as I didn't think it was deserved.
"So can we just park up in front of the gate then?" asked the passenger.
"No. You can park alongside the other parked vehicles." I said, slowly, "Unlike last night when you came back late and just opened the gates and drove onto the park."

The occupants said nothing to my remark, although I knew that it was them, as did they. I didn't think people were that stupid. The following morning I spoke to the head receptionist and thanked her and her team of reception staff for weeding out the trouble-makers and stopping them from booking in and asked if it was remotely possible that she could also weed out the simpletons too.

"Yes, but then you'd have an empty park."

She does have a point, I guess.

I apologise for the short post, but I'm working on a much larger and funnier one as you read this.