Saturday, 29 September 2007

Drunken Nights

I have no idea how it happened, but it did, and I wasn't best pleased about the situation. Allow me to explain.

Normally, before I start my shift I sit in the office with a coffee and watch the news. From the moment I set foot in the office, the door is closed and I for that brief half hour I don't care what is happening on the site. It's my moment of tranquility before it all descends into chaos when I start my shift. As soon as I set foot outside the door, I knew it was going to be one of those nights. Whether it was something in the air or not, I've no idea, but my spidey-sense was tingling, let me tell you!

I walked around the first field, which was relatively quiet, then into the second field of tents. It was just as I walked in that I noticed not one, but THREE vehicles parked on the grass next to four tents and large group of drunk, happy punters. So I hot-footed it over to the tents and made my presence known to them. I asked them to remove the vehicles from the grass and asked them to quieten down as people were attempting to sleep. They put up a bit of a fight, but they knew I was right. As I walked away from the group, I heard one of them utter the following statement;

"That guy has an attitude problem. Who does he think he is? A warden?"

I was about to return to them to clarify my position, but decided against it.

As I crossed over into the third field, I was immediately greeted with a lot of shouting and screaming by a group of Geordie's. Again I asked them to quieten down, then explained the silence policy to them. I knew they weren't listening, as they continued to talk when I was telling them. A lost cause, I thought, so I gave up and continued on my rounds.

The rest of the park was very quiet in comparison to the two cases I mentioned.

After I had locked down the two buildings and locked the gates for the night. I decided to pay another visit to the first group. I could hear them talking from the gate, which is a fair distance away, so I knew they were still up and about. I walked over to the field and noticed that the vehicles were still parked on the grass. Again, I asked them to remove the vehicles and park them in the parking bay opposite their tent, which they did. Only because I stood there and made sure of it.

A quick jump into the next field where I asked the Geordie's to quieten down, again, before going off round the park. I soon realised that the second group weren't going to quieten down, so I decided at that moment to call Alex out. Luckily, he was at the gate anyway, he couldn't sleep and decided to come down and walk around with me for a while.

After around ten minutes, he had spoken to both parties and another group who decided to give Alex the V-sign as he was walking over to tell them to quieten down, this only annoyed Alex even further. They quietened down eventually.

After Alex had left the park and returned home to sleep off his anger, I observed one of the first crowd's party urinating against the hedge. I found out that this is one of my all time pet hates with this job. I walked over, pointing the torch at him, and had a word with him. I pointed out the toilets to him and his reply was, "yeah, whatever." and he returned to his tent. I wasn't going to report them, but he had single-handedly convinced me to do so.

After about two o'clock, the site quietened right down and the only person who was making any noise was the person who had the most irritating cough ever. It was so annoying, that I managed to convince myself to think he was doing on purpose.

At the end of the shift, I went back up to the crowd who were urinating/parking on the grass/causing a disruption, to obtain their ticket numbers for the report, when I noticed that they were awake and three of them were urinating against the hedge. This was at around seven o'clock, when other punters were starting to rise.

I submitted a report without the ticket numbers, as I had guessed that Alex would know who I was talking about anyway.

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