Friday, 19 October 2007

Children vs. Parents

First of all, a bit of good news. The occupants of the late arriving motorhome last night decided not to check into the site today, so all fears of being brutally murdered or "flattened" were put to rest early on in the shift.

The park is slightly busier than last night, but then again it's the weekend and it generally gets busier then. I spoke to one group at five past eleven and told them of the silence policy, they apologised and quietened down fairly quickly.

I returned to the tent, some twenty minutes later and asked them again to quieten down. It was at this point I noticed their tent was put up in a very hap-hazard way. It looked as though, if you pulled one of the guy-ropes out of the ground, the whole tent would come crashing down. I daren't get too close, just in case the wind picks up and I am blamed for destroying their tent.

I walked around the park and spoke to a few other tents about the level of noise, they all quietened down fairly quickly, so I went back to check on the one group who were causing problems.

As I approached the tent, I heard one of the children trying to reason with their parents in getting them to quieten down;

"What if they do chuck us out? Where will we stay?"
"SSH! They can't chuck us off, we've paid to stay here."

Incorrect answer, ma'am. Although it hasn't happened when I have been on duty, Alex has been known to kick disruptive guests off the park at three in the morning before. Regardless of whether you have paid or not, there are other people around you who have also paid and are trying to sleep.

It was at this point I interjected in their conversation and told them to quieten down immediately otherwise the manager would be called and they may be asked to pack up and leave the park. I had to smile when I heard the same child whisper the following;

"See? I told you so."

After that, I didn't speak to them again. Yet I still had to submit a report because I had spoken to them on three occasions.

The rest of the night passed by fairly quickly with nothing else to report. The season is slowly grinding to a halt.

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